Ukrajina: jak vybudovat národ a nebýt obviněn z nacionalismu? ... 18.5. v 18:45hod na FF Uk v Praze

Přednáška Dr. Valerii Korablyovové z Kyjevské Univerzity Tarase Ševčenka

 Pořádá Východoevropský klub

FF UK, nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha

Dr. Valeria Korablyova is currently a Visiting Fellow of Prague Civil Society Centre at the Charles University, Institute of International Studies.

She has been holding a number of international fellowships before – at the University of Warsaw (FIAL Open Society Foundations Global Dialogues Project, 2016-2017); at the IWM, Vienna (Ukraine in European Dialogue Project, 2015-16) and at Stanford University (Carnegie Research Fellowship Program, 2014-15).

Valeria Korablyova holds a PhD in Philosophy from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (2006) and Dr. habil. from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (2015).

Her research interests include the EuroMaidan, the EU project of ‘Europe’, and post-Communist transformations in Ukraine and East Central Europe.

Her latest book “Social Meanings of Ideology” (Kyiv University, 2014) covers ideological transformations of European modernity, including the rise of market rationality and emerging alternatives to it, revealing the Maidan uprising in Ukraine as a peculiar case herewith.

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