STIPENDIA VLÁDY ČR: - poskytovaná v rámci programu zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce

Vláda České republiky nabízí v rámci programu zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce cizincům z rozvojových zemí stipendia k podpoře studia na veřejných vysokých školách v České republice.

Vláda České republiky nabízí v rámci programu zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce cizincům z rozvojových zemí stipendia k podpoře studia na veřejných vysokých školách v České republice. 

Scholarship Awards within the Foreign Development Assistance Programme

General information on the scholarship programme:

The Government of the Czech Republic offers scholarships within the framework of its Foreign Development Assistance in support of the study of foreign nationals from developing countries at public institutions of higher education in the Czech Republic. 

These so called Government Scholarships are designed to cover the standard length of study: 

1) in Bachelor/Master/Doctoral study programmes plus one-year preparatory course of the Czech language(which is combined with other field-specific training). Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates from upper secondary schools, or Bachelor's/Master's degree courses, as applicable, who can enrol only in study programmes in which instruction is given in the Czech language. Depending on the subject area, applicants are normally required to sit entrance examinations at the higher education institution concerned. Successful passing of entrance examinations constitutes a precondition for the scholarship award;


2) in follow-up Master study programmes or Doctoral study programmes. Government scholarships of this category are awarded to graduates of Bachelor or Master study programmes, respectively, who enrol in study programmes with instruction in the English language.      

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